Hoffman Family Tradition: homemade Thanksgiving meal at Grandma's house...
Everyone brings a dish....
Brian makes apple bundt cake; India and Felicia make apple pies and Russ's makes pumpkin. India, celebrating the holiday with her cousin, will have apple pie later...
The table is set...
...and the food is almost ready...
...and this year, the Family welcomes Zara's fiancé, Michael, from the UK, enjoying his first ever Thanksgiving in the USA.
The Family discusses Boxing Day vs Thanksgiving and Michael tells everyone about his daughter, Kaisha...
Then there's one last look at the turkeys. (Jonathan and his family, in Colorado skiing, will have to make do with leftovers!)
After a prayer to Ignacio, far away (who called later), and to Grandpa, Tina, & Chris, the Family wishes peace and safety to all our troops everywhere on earth...and Thanksgiving dinner is enjoyed.
Till tomorrow,
Love, Maia
P.S. Friends of TMC: send us your photos or Thanksgiving stories....