Sunday, March 15, 2009

Maia Meets Marvin, Savannah, Puppy, Zita and Sofi

Felicia threw open the curtains. Another beautiful day on Miami Beach. She went the pool to save two chairs, then we walked to Starbucks to say hello.

The first dog we saw was Uno, the Beagle who won Best of Show at Westminster! But then we talked to Carla, Uno's owner, and discovered that Uno's name is really Savannah, like the city, and that she is two years old, and she's a different Beagle than the lovely winner in New York City!

Then we met Carla's other dog, a purebred White Lab named Puppy. Puppy is 9 months old. Puppy is from Petopia, on 5th.

We said hello to Carla and her dogs Puppy and Savannah, as well as Stacey, with her dog Marvin, a Black Lab mix. Marvin is two, and came from the Humane Society in Miami, a great source for lovely dogs!

Then I saw Sacha again! But it wasn't Sacha, her name is Sofi, for South of Fifth. (Felicia was thinking of naming Brooklyn SoBe...for South Beach!) Sofi's 2-1/2 years old, and she's owned by Rich.

Sofi and her sister Zita, a 4-year-old mix, came over to say hello.

All that socializing about wore me out, so Felicia and I had breakfast at Big Pink (more tomorrow), and then headed back to the beach!
Till tomorrow,
Love, Maia

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