Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"The Scream" by Edvard Dolce Munch

Max was walking around aimlessly. Sacha was hiding under the covers of her open cage, trying to keep warm as usual. Peaches was curled up in a doggie bed, and I was in the front hall sniffing the area rug that we sometimes mistake for grass. Suddenly, we heard the most ear-piercing shrieks! First just one or two, and then a staccato-like series of loud, high-pitched yelps. It sounded like puppy shrieks. Felicia jumped up from the computer and ran to the office. No Dolce. Then to the back hall, where Dolce sometimes sleeps, waiting in vain for India to come home from college. No Dolce. Finally, Felicia found Dolce sitting by the door in the cubby, looking up at her pitifully, between shrieks. Her claw had hooked a loop in the small rug by the back door and she had dragged it from the back door to the cubby, about ten feet away. She was looking up at Felicia, still shrieking in pain, and wiggling so much that Felicia could barely unhook the rug from her curved nail.

What a way to start the morning! It brought back memories of the shrieking night when Dolce broke her leg! Dolce has issues with her legs for sure. But she is the cutest thing, even I have to admit. She still stands on her hind legs and crosses her paws in the air when she wants something, and she still sticks her paw straight out when she wants to play. She is the funniest little dog! And the pudgiest little thing as well...that girl has a tummy!
Well, the trauma is over and now she's calmed down again. We're all getting ready to go outside and do our business. The big bad rug incident of the morning is forgotten. Now, our day in freezing, winter-storm-watch Michigan can truly begin!
Till tomorrow,
Love, Maia

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