Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Three Amigas

It was a lovely, warm summer day. Time to call The Gang.

Julie came bearing Sangria into which Chris placed sliced peaches, oranges and limes. I wanted to try some but they wouldn't let me.

Felicia made homemade pizzas. They wouldn't let me have any of those, either.

"Here's to friends and a lovely afternoon!" toasted Chris.

Julie didn't think the sangria would quench her thirst, so she also tried a sip or two of XXX Vodka. I mean, X-Rated Fusion Liqueur.

Felicia was ready to drink it like Diet Coke.


The pizzas were ready to put in the oven...

The salsas and cherries prepared...

And "¡¡Salud!!" ¡A la amistad!

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