Friday, April 10, 2009

Maia in New York

Felicia is on a budget. Like the rest of the world, she has to watch her pennies!

But everyone is still shocked that she is sleeping in the loft above the kitchen in Michael's apartment in the East Village. She has to crawl into bed because the loft is only 4 feet high! Brooke thinks we're really at the Four Seasons and just saying that we're staying with Michael! Ha ha!

This morning we went for a walk. This is the pretty church at the end of Michael's street.

On our way to buy a cup of coffee (Felicia can still afford coffee!) we saw this cat in the window. I'm glad the cat was behind glass.

I found the perfect place to go busy-busy.

This French Bulldog waited for his owner outside Dunkin' Donuts.

And Felicia took a picture of this dog just because.

Here's a Welsh Terrier. He's refusing to move for his owner.

I met this rescue dog at Liquiteria, a great place for coffee and healthy juices.

Then we had to get back to wake up India and Michael, to give them their bagels and head out to see Takashi. The trees across from Michael's apartment are already blooming! In Michigan, nothing is blooming and it is still freezing!

Felicia and India laughed when I ate my dog food. "Maia must realize she's not getting room service," they said. I was a little miffed when they said that. I am not a princess like Dolce. I can hunker down when the going gets tough and take one for the team.
And by the way....Dolce is not coming to New York! She got on the wrong plane at Northern Jet where all the private planes are parked. She took the flight to China! Poor Dolce! Maybe she'll find some clothes to import there and start her own business! She's going to call it, La Vida Dolce!
Till tomorrow,
Love, Maia

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