Sunday, November 9, 2008

Dolce at Home

Dolce isn't bothering me too much since she's been home. She hasn't been chasing me, shrieking at me, or wanting to play. Because she is not allowed out of her cage for the next four weeks, unless Felicia is working at the computer, when she puts Dolce on her lap. Dolce chews on rawhides sitting in her lap, but she's always dropping them, so Felicia isn't really getting any work done.

Felicia is editing a novel she wrote, and sent out the first 50 pages to an agent. Felicia is also doing gouaches for her children's book. Gouaches of just me, originally, but now it's looking like Dolce is also going to star in the book, which I'm not really thrilled over. Plus, because Dolce is sick, she gets to eat the good, moist dog food, while the rest of us look on with envy, stuck with our dry.

The first night, Felicia tried to feed her in the cage, but then we'd all stand around the cage looking mad and Dolce wouldn't eat. So now, Felicia puts her in the small, main-floor bathroom and shuts the door. Then we all sit outside and look at the door, or sniff underneath it. But at least Dolce eats in peace and quiet. Here are pictures from Dolce's first night home. As you can see, she looks a bit tired.

Takashi Matsuzaki, make-up artist and photo-grapher extra-ordinaire, who lives in NYC, asked if Dolce was happy to see us when we picked her up. Felicia wrote him back that Dolce seemed pleased to see us, but was too tired to be "happy," per se. But yesterday, Dolce lifted up her good paw like she used to, like, "Hello!" (paw up). Like, "Come get me! Let's play! Get me out of here! I want something!" So it was just like old times. Bear is on the mend. PS Here's a link to a dog blog directory!

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